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This tag is so cool, I want to thank Ruby for sharing this one to me.
Here are the rules:
1. Think about what it is that you want more than anything, what your heart’s desire and fondest wish is, and what it is that you would wish for if you were to see the above wishing star flame across the night sky.
2. Right click and SAVE the blank graphic above.
3. Use a graphics program of your choice and place your wish on this picture.
"I wish to be someone that my family and friends would be proud of."
I would like to share this tag to Lira, Yen and Mae.
Thank you Princess for tagging me.
Name 11 people you can think of right off the top of your head. Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 11 people. This is a lot funnier if you actually randomly list the names first.. No cheating.
1. Bryn
2. Juli
3. Jones
4. Berto
5. Ezra
6. Leonalyn
7. Irish
8. Aida
9. Princess
10. Melissa
11. Edil
Now, it's time to answer the following questions:
Berto. He is the boyfriend of my younger sister.
Leonalyn. We are not together now. She lives now in UK with her hubby. I'm happy for her.
Juli and Leonalyn. Oh! they're also good friends.
Ezra. Oh! she's a very good friend of mine but she's not a lesbian. :p
Melissa. I don't know anymore, she lives in Germany now.
Bryn. Yes, he's my baby.
Juli. Nope. We are always together everyday now that it's summer vacation.
Edil. Oh! she's married, she's definitely dating her hubby in Belgium.
Jones. My responsible younger bro.
Princess. Smart and beautiful.
Berto and Irish. Oh! hahaha! Berto is my sis' bf and Irish is my dear friend, she's a lot older than Berto. I can't imagine it.
Juli. She likes Berto her boyfriend.
Aida. Ahahahah! No, i can't marry a girl friend.
Melissa. Not really, we are friends but not that tight.
Oh a lot of times. All of them from number 1 to 8.
Who are your Oceans 11: I tag this to Flor, Jeanmarie, and Lira.
Posted in: My Tags on Thursday, March 27, 2008 at at 6:38 PM
March 25, 2008 - My first white water rafting adventure was incredibly fun and unforgettable! The pain of every part of my body because i was out of shape is definitely worth it. Love the nature, love the thrill, love adventure, and want to experience the ride? Then, visit Cagayan de Oro city, Philippines, the best place to experience white water rafting adventure!
Posted in: My grooves on Tuesday, March 25, 2008 at at 10:38 PM
It's your time to shine! My blog was featured as one of the top 5 picks of the week by Princess and I will do the same for 5 other friends. When you feature your friends’ blogs, you will help increase (hopefully) their page rank and yours. You can read more on this here and here. So keep the ball rolling, make your own 5 featured friends. To return the favor, make sure you include the name of the person who recommended you. Example:
1. Jenny is one of our featured friends.
2. So when Jenny will make her featured friends for the week, she has to include my name and she will pick 4 or 5 more from her own list of friends.
3. She will inform ALL her featured friends to keep the ball rolling.
If you use Blogger, you can add your featured friends using the new page element ‘Link List’.
My Featured Friends Blogs are: Flor, Ruby, Jinggay, Lucille and Mae.
Friends, keep it going!
Posted in: My Tags on Thursday, March 20, 2008 at at 7:22 PM
When I was searching many articles about the Holy Week in the Philippines, I came across in the Wikipidia, the Free Encyclopedia that fairly mentions the Philippines on Holy week throughout the world. It made me think that our commemoration of Jesus' sacrifices and His miraculous resurrection is very much remarkable and known to the world. We celebrate Holy Week with passion that even until this generation many Filipinos believe in their "Panata" that helps them through their lives to survive, get cured when ill and strengthen that faith for a lifetime. It's just that faith has more than its sanctity for the lives of Filipinos.
In this largely Roman Catholic nation, Holy Week, known as Semana Santa, is treated as one of the most important religious festivals of the entire year. At Mass on Palm Sunday, Catholics carry "palaspas" or palm leaves to be blessed by the priest. Many Filipinos bring home the palm leaves after the Mass and place these above their front doors or their windows, believing that doing so can ward off evil spirits. Holy Monday marks the beginning of the Pabasa (literally, reading) or Pasyon, the marathon chanting of the story of Jesus' life, passion, and death, which continues day and night, for as long as two straight days. A popular Holy Thursday tradition is the Bisita Iglesia (Church Visit), which involves visiting several Churches at which the faithful would pray the Stations of the Cross. The last Mass before Easter is also celebrated on Holy Thursday, usually including a reenactment of the Washing of the Feet of the Apostles; this Mass is followed by the procession of the Blessed Sacrament before it is taken to the Altar of Repose. Good Friday in the Philippines is commemorated with street processions, the Way of the Cross, the commemoraton of Jesus' Seven last words (Siete Palabras) and a Passion play called the Sinakulo. In some communities (most famously in the province of Pampanga), the processions include devotees who self-flagellate and sometimes even have themselves nailed to crosses as expressions of penance. After three o'clock in the afternoon of Good Friday (the time at which Jesus is traditionally believed to have died), noise is discouraged, bathing is proscribed and the faithful are urged to keep a solemn and prayerful disposition through Black Saturday. Easter morning is marked with joyous celebration, the first being the dawn Salubong, wherein large statues of Jesus and Mary are brought in procession together to meet, imagining the first reunion of Jesus and his mother Mary after Jesus' Resurrection. This is followed by the joyous Easter Mass. (Wikipidia)
Posted in: All About Faith on Wednesday, March 19, 2008 at at 12:33 AM
Thanks Azzilah for this tag!
I have randomly selected 6 of you below to be tagged and I hope that you will similarly publish this post in your blog. You will have to tag 5 other bloggers and just keep adding on to the list. (Do not replace, just keep on adding! Yes we hope it will be a long list!)
It’s real easy! Tag others and see your Technorati Authority increase exponentially! The benefits of Viral Linking:
- One of the fastest ways to see your technorati authority explode!
- Increase your Google PageRank fast
- Attract large volume of new traffic to your site
- Build your community
- Make new friends!
THINK BACK TO 4th year hs... Let's see how much you remember and how much you regret..
What section were you?
- Section A...and we have only two sections.
Who were your seatmates?
- let's see..Rojie Lastimosa (front) Vanessa Canete (left side) Miel Jerrah Tion (right side).
Still remember your english teacher?
- Yes, Mrs. Rosario Daayata
What was your first class?
- Mon-Wed-Fri: English; Tue-Thu: Values Education
Made friends to the lower years?
- Yes, many..I was an officer in a student organization.
How was your class schedule?
- It was fine.. we have whole Wednesday afternoon free.
Made any enemies?
- Not really..just had little misunderstandings with my closest friends.
Who was your favorite teacher?
- I didn't have a favorite teacher :D
What sport did you play?
-Lawn Tennis and Chess
Were you a party animal?
- Nope..i was kinda boring in high school..but I was making money :D
Were you well known in your school?
- Yes..very well-known..
- Yes I did...but not a lot.
Did you get suspended/expelled?
-Nope but almost..the whole class actually because we all decided our own holiday. We just wrote a promissory note not to do it again. (Can't help but to smile about it).
Can you sing the alma mater?
-Yes..I sometimes lead that song and do the beating.
What was your favorite subject?
-Values Education and Computer.
Did you go to the dances?
- Yes because it's compulsory for us.
Where did you go most often during breaks?
-Canteen and to the volleyball court.
What did you do on the last day of school?
-Did the decorations for Recognition Day.
Thank you very much Flor for the tag! High school life feels not so long ago when I try to recall them. Let me share this tag to Dana and Mae :).
This article is an excerpt from Faithclipart Guide on Christian Holidays.
Have a blissful Holy Week everyone!
The Meaning of Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday commemorates the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. The gospels record the arrival of Jesus riding into the city on a donkey, while the crowds spread their cloaks and palm branches on the street and shouted "Hosanna to the Son of David" and "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord" to honor him as their long-awaited Messiah and King.
The significance of Jesus riding a donkey and having his way paved with palm branches is a fulfillment of a prophecy spoken by the prophet Zechariah (Zechariah 9:9). In biblical times, the regional custom called for kings and nobles arriving in procession to ride on the back of a donkey. The donkey (or domesticated ass) was a symbol of peace; those who rode upon them proclaimed peaceful intentions. The laying of palm branches indicated that the king or dignitary was arriving in victory or triumph.
Palm Sunday in Modern Times
Today, Palm Sunday traditions are much the same as they have been since the tenth century. The ceremony begins with the blessing of the palms. The procession follows, then Mass is celebrated, wherein the Passion and the Benediction are sung. Afterwards, many people take the palms home and place them in houses, barns, and fields.
In some countries, palms are placed on the graves of the departed. In colder northern climates, where palm trees are not found, branches of yew, willow, and sallow trees are used. The palms blessed in the ceremony are burned at the end of the day. The ashes are then preserved for next year's Ash Wednesday celebration.
In the simplest of terms, Palm Sunday is an occasion for reflecting on the final week of Jesus' life. It is a time for Christians to prepare their hearts for the agony of His Passion and the joy of His Resurrection.
Posted in: All About Faith on Sunday, March 16, 2008 at at 6:58 AM
Here's a very funny commercial on baby fat! Ladies, I know it's really hard to fake it.. so let our sweethearts love us the way we are. But, remember let's eat healthy too to keep our relationship healthy! I love tuna, so I'm promoting this one! For the moment, let's watch this video! Love that tuna!
Posted in: Purely Funny on Saturday, March 15, 2008 at at 4:13 AM
The goal of this tag is to boost blog pr by linking as much as many blogs around the world. Floricilicious, thanks a lot for sending me this tag. So, let's keep spreading.
1. Place your link after the list. If you have more than 1 blog, feel free to add them all here!
2. After placing your blog’s address/es, you must tag 5 or more bloggers that is not yet in the list, this is to keep the ball rolling.
1 - Momhood Moments 2 - Business Mars 3 - Pinay Mommy Online 4 - OnlineBiz and Resources 5 - A Simple life 6 - moms….. check nyo 7 - Mommy’s Little Corner 8- Princezz 9 - Princess 10 - Random Thoughts 11 - Paradigm 12 - See Me For What You Will 13 - Pamp’s Blog Corner 14 - Pampered 15 - HappyHeart 16 - Qtcotzkie and Baby 17 - A Sorta Fairytale 18 -tragicseven 19 - Listen to the Beat! 20 Just Saying 21 Tipsy Tips 22 Different Angles 23 Delicious Corner 24 I Care 25 Blog Blag Blog 26 Daily List 27 - Life’s Journey 28- Welcome to my Crib 29 - Hearts Desire 30 - Island Paradise 31 - Texas Life 32 - Long Journey 33 - D’ Cooking Mudra 34 - My life 35- Swept Away 36 - Winged Words 37 - Rainier and Katrina 38 - Life! Learn it. Live it. Love it. 39 - Colour Our World 40 - The Next Chapter 41 - Painted Life 42 - La Place de Cherie 43- Chez Francine 44- Le Bric à Brac de Cherie 45- Missbodybeautiful 46. My Thoughts and Moods 47. My JOurney 48. Celebrate Life 50. Deeply In love 51. mY pReciOus 52. mY vOyAge 53.denz techtronics 54. denz recreational 55. Cashing 56. Icelog 57. Virgie's Webplace 58. All I want is Everything 59. Tales of Remarkable Endearment
I'm sending this tag to Jinggay, and to everyone who is visiting my blog! Thank you!
4 Jobs I’ve Had (in order)
- Student Assistant
- Computer Typist
- Sales Clerk
- Production Worker
4 Favorite Things To Eat
- rice
- all kinds of veggies
- banana
- sauteed green peas
4 Places I Would Rather Be
- Hawaii
- Switzerland
- France
- Alaska
4 Things I Look Forward To This Year
- My US visa on hand
- To drive
- Wedding in Hawaii
- Christmas in Pennsylvania
Posted in: My Tags on Thursday, March 13, 2008 at at 11:16 PM
My sweet,
I always hoped it was true - that there is somone in the world for each one of us to love. After we met, I just knew somehow that you'd be the one for me. I saw it in the way you make me happy, whenever I was with you and in the way you could make smile, even when I didn't really feel like smiling. I saw it in the kindness of your eyes, the generosity of your the way we accept each other's differences and support each other's dreams.
Over time, I have come to see that you complete me - that our relationship has helped me become a better person. I know that life truly blessed me when I found you, and I promise always to cherish our once-in-a-lifetime love.
Yours Forever..
Posted in: Love letters on at at 2:31 AM
Midmorning. Mr. Jay clapped loudly his hands to get some attention and informally introduced the two Agroforestry researchers from England to the group. Everyone turned around, seeing that two foreign visitors they were just acquainted with, they smiled widely. Ayra was one of them, she stared at Harry who was in his early 30's, with the thoughts she kept only for herself.
Since then Ayra, kept thinking about Harry. She liked it a lot when Harry called her name with that soft English accent, to request for more papers or asked for new pen when his pen ran out of ink or when he noticed that the printer is unplugged though he didn't know that Ayra just unplugged it, so when he called her she could get close to him and smell his perfume. Harry thought that Ayra had that different smile when she saw him, or everytime he's near to her. But he had rather kept it to himself. Ayra thought he's married because she felt being ignored by him, everytime she tried to be so friendly. It's not usual either in the organization to get closed to office mates, maybe because most of the workers were taken or just attraction between them wasn't that open because most of them were out in the field and just saw each other when they log-out from the office. People in the office were also less being personal especially with the new officemates.
One afternoon, Harry and Dean decided to visit one of the crop sites. On their way to the field, they were both always amazed by the beauty of mountains, the wide, green grassland of the town, and the farmers and young kids were waving to them like they're big stars just to warm welcome them. When they arrived to the site, they noticed the group of young farmers, enjoying some drinks and laughs. One of them called Harry and Dean to join their "tuba" drinking delight. They didn't hesitated, as usual, they'd been accepting invitations of these simple people to join chitchats even their English speaking was more than trying hard. And that what made the talking more fun. One farmer tried to talk about his cow gave birth to a calf. "Ah, my cow out the baby cow from her "bibingka" today..yes...true!" and the crowd laughed out loud. "Oh! is that what you call it here, "bibingka?" Harry didn't help but to ask. He knew some Filipino words, usual greetings for couple of days in town. So much for the pleasure of drinking, the farmers had to go back to the fields, and so Dean and Harry had to continue their jobs.
Wednesday afternoon is a sport's day of the organization. The workers formed themselves in two teams to play volleyball against each other. It was fun for them, especially for Ayra. She's always happy seeing Harry playing good at it, and she's more happy that they're together in the team. Everytime they win, they group hugged, and took that advantage to hug Harry for herself, and felt so content for awhile touching him. Harry smiled, feeling that affection everytime he hugs her. Ayra saw Aling Ising walking her goods around the volleyball court. She sold peanuts and "bibingka."
"Hey, Harry u want to eat "bibingka?" Ayra asked innocently. "What?!" Harry was quite surprised. "Bibingka, it's delicious, you will like it." Ayra exclaimed. Dean was laughing behind them, when he heard Ayra talking "bibingka." "Oh, yeah..sure, would love it eh." Harry couldn't help but chuckled. "So, Ayra, you eat bibingka too?" Dean asked while grinning. "Yes, always..but what's funny? If you don't like it, just say no." Dean laughed more out loud and the group started to get curious what's happening. Harry remained puzzled about Ayra's being innocent about bibingka. "Okay, whatever! I'll just buy my own bibingka." Ayra walked out from them. One of the officemates asked why such laughs. "Ayra said, she eats bibingka..isn't it bibingka is the thing of the woman?"Harry was amused. "Ahahaahaha!," laughed the officemate. "Guess you were being rude to Ayra then Harry, bibingka is actually a rice cake, some people just used that word here to slang that thing of a woman." Harry and Dean were shocked to know the true meaning of bibingka, but they still laughed about it.
When Ayra knew about why Harry and Dean reacted funny to bibingka. She was very embarrassed though she wasn't blaming the two. The latter didn't know the true bibingka which is a real rice cake. But she couldn't avoid to feel a little humiliation..yet, she didn't avoid herself to keep staring to Harry. Harry didn't say sorry or anything, that's why she felt more uncomfortable about being close to him eventually. If only he said sorry about it, she would feel fine.
Farewell meal of the two researchers, they were having speeches on gratitude. They had to go back to England now that they finished their researches. The boys had to ride to the city to catch their flight. Ayra couldn't help to feel weary, while looking at Harry talking in front of them. It's gonna be end just like that. She sighed and smiled, couldn't believe herself, dreaming about she and Harry being together. It was a sweet dream though, she thought. It's time to leave for the men, the workers waved goodbye and so did Ayra. But she was very surprised when Harry walked towards her and gave a piece of paper and smiled. "Read it later," Harry whispered, and hurriedly got back to the car. Ayra quietly watched their car disappeared then she opened the little scented paper. "I'll keep writing to you..I'll come back then we will have bibingka together." Ayra laughed with her tears of joy. Her happiness happened when she least expected it.
After a month. Harry went back to Ayra's town. This time, he took a one-year contract to work a project in the organization, so he could stay longer with Ayra. They got engaged after few months. Harry learned to bake that special bibingka from Aling Ising.To propose to Ayra, he put the ring in the top of bibingka and bended in front of her, romantically. Memorable, indeed. Yes, now they're happily married.
Posted in: Couples in Love on Tuesday, March 11, 2008 at at 6:42 AM
Chappy is gone. Sad Coco couldn't look at anywhere, he just stared at Chappy's body lied in the yard. In his mind, he's talking to Chappy, "hey buddy, what happened?" He's very quiet, seemed like listening to what Chappy's answer. He felt pain, but he couldn't shed a tear. He's anger covered his sentiments when he realized that Chappy is poisoned by whoever unkind.
Coco walked into the room, he remembered Chappy sleeping in his bed, without taking atleast one minute bath in a month. He's amused that he missed how his buddy stinks. There's a lot good about Chappy than being stinky, he thought. Like most other dog, Chappy likes to play a lot, bite bones and even bite some real skin though he won't give u a wound, Cocor hated it but for Chappy it was just a sweet gesture. Chappy likes jammin' with Miming, Cocor's little lazy kitty. Miming was a sweet little fellow, didn't mind Chappy to bite his ears, scratch his back but when Miming got hurt, there went Miming's little sharp claws on Chapper's face and made him sneeze. Cocor was laughing seeing that action scene. Now he looked at Miming, sitting lonely in the table.
Coco went to the kitchen, now without the partner. Most of the time before, Chappy knows it's meal time when Coco goes to the kitchen. Chappy always jumps up to Coco and barks for his share. Now he's getting some snacks for his only hungry stomach. He called Miming to sit beside him, it was supposed to be Chappy he's handing with little chips. While eating, Coco couldn't help to remember one time he was playing basketball with his friends, and Chappy was kinda joining them. He was running back and forth, like Coco did. Chappy felt he was being ignored so when he saw Coco was about to jump to shoot the ball on the ring, he jumped up at the Coco's back, and oh boy! scratched Coco's short displaying his cute little butt. It was a whole laugh in the neighborhood.
Late afternoon, Coco was just sitting on the table outside the house. Chappy was supposed to jump on him and lick his face sweat from playing tennis. But now, he's wiping his sweat..and that little tears, coming out remembering that late afternoon when he burried Chappy in far away yard. "So long, Chappy...never forget me, my boy.."
Posted in: My Beloved Pet on Monday, March 10, 2008 at at 1:52 AM
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